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Fashionably Late with a Latte

Kaitie Clink

Welcome to: Fashionably Late with a Latte.


Formerly known as "Beautiful Details" on Blogger.

This blog is a relaunch of the beauty blog I started in 2013 on the Google Blogger platform. I have been a little absent since 2020, but this blog in particular has always been in the back of my mind. Aside from the personal blog I've always had since I was in high school, my beauty blog was my first sub-blog and the one I kept up with the most.

Between 2019 and 2020, I attempted move the blog away from Blogger, because the platform became limiting. I personally feel that over the years Google has actually hindered the service rather than expand it. At one point, Blogger was a place that connected people and it was a way to discover new blogs, but now those options and features are obsolete and if you're not grinding and paying to promote your blog it's never found. - I had also had issues with my image hosting company. Since high school, I had always used Photobucket, but a few years ago the service made it a pay-only system. Prior to the changes, a user could hold and link a small amount of images for free. The small amount of bandwidth was never an issue for me as a small-time hobby blogger. Once they started to make everything pricy, I knew I couldn't keep up with that system. (FYI, I believe they have lowered their prices since the payment instillation.) - Flash forward to 2021 and after moving my personal website and blog to WIX, I decided to move all of my blogs to one platform and here we are!

I want to keep blogging about my passion for fashion (rhyme intended) and beauty, but I want to steer this blog in a slightly different direction than what my beauty blog's content posted before. When beauty blogs and channels started to become a "thing" it was all about focusing on the latest releases and reviewing products. Those reviews always included swatches, wear tests, and detailed descriptions of how to use them (aka a tutorial). If you weren't financially well-off and/or you didn't win the popularity contest and strike a deal with a major company, then you and your blog were eliminated from the game. The cold hard fact was that if you couldn't keep buying the latest trend and shoving it in people's faces then you weren't relevant -and I fell victim to that trap. Looking back at all my posts, including the ones through 2020, I was simply just regurgitating the system. As I have started to progress in life I have realize that beauty is truly in the eye of the beholder; trends don't really matter, but how you feel about a certain look matters; and there will always be new products and one will never have them all, no matter how much money a person spends.

The direction of this blog will be a place to uphold what I felt when I originally discovered YouTube "gurus" and beauty bloggers: that the internet could bring together a vast knowledge of information and support for people out there who want to learn about the world of fashion, while also celebrating themselves and their enjoyment in it. Rather than just posting what industry bloggers are already doing, I will be focusing on topics that could withstand decades, not just days. I don't wish to erase my past though and over time I will upload my old posts onto this blog. I think it's important to be able to look back and see how one has progressed. The old entries will retain the old copyright of "BeautifulDetails" and will be listed under the category of Blogger.

This blog now sites on a website of its own and not it's not just a blog by itself. My hope is to grow a community with a similar mindset that can help shape the beauty industry and community. Over the next couple of months, my blog posts will mostly dive into my journey of where I am today in my thought process with beauty and fashion. I encourage you, the reader, to follow along with me and engage in conversation so that we can all grow together. If you have your own beauty blog, please drop the link below so that I can check it out!



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