Congrats, you finished! Here are your results:
You’re Kate Middleton, The Princess of Wales! You’re a rational person with a strong sense of justice. You’re introverted but light up with your loved ones.
Quiz Rating: This quiz isn't great. It's very long. There was about 60 questions and quite a few repetitive ones. It also makes you select things like "which sport did you play in high school?" and even if you didn't play it says you have to pick one. When questions that force you to pick between select options that may not suit everyone, I believe it's always best just to say pick the 1 you prefer.
My result was Kate Middleton, which I didn't think fit me at all, especially with the description of being an "introvert". I don't consider myself and introvert at all. I think that the quiz was created in a very juvenile format; it was "pick your favorites" and all of the choices belonged to very specific members of the Royal Family. If you know anything about the British Royals it was pretty obvious to whom the answers belonged to in terms of the results. So, you could easily get your favorite just by answering that particular persons preferences and what they've done in their life. I answered honestly, though and I guess it seems my answers led me to Kate. However, it really has nothing to do with my own personality.
If you're bored and/or just really into the Royals, you can try the quiz out here. Just don't expect to relate to your result or discover something about yourself.