Postcrossing Stats for November 2022
Well, this time I'm extremely late posting my stats. Literally, there are 3 days until I will get my December stats. I left just a few days after receiving my stats this month and I was preparing for a business trip (for the majority of the trip). After returning home, I had contracted some sort of virus and I'm just now starting to feel better. Better late than never!

My stats for Sent and Received were way down this month compared to October. I sent 6 this month and 7 the previous. I honestly felt like perhaps the mail way just moving slowly, but it's hard to tell. Whatever the reason was, I wasn't able to send postcards, because they weren't being registered or delivered. I received 14 last month and only 4 this month, so that's the biggest change. Despite the regression, I still moved up in both ranks. I believe that I'm far enough down in the rankings that as long as I remain active I'll continue to climb, but I am curious when I'll hit the mark that can't be passed. The rankings are grouped by which country people register their address in and the more active countries (like Germany, Russia, USA, Finland) are harder to break into the top 100. I moved into the top 35,000 for Postcards Sent and went from 34,270 to 31,111 by Distance.

Postcards Sent
You would have thought that sending postcards domestically would have them arrive quicker than internationally, but average travel time wasn't that much different than Germany for me, which leads me to believe people weren't registering promptly and that's fine. Life happens and we get busy. It was nice to get addresses that weren't just German though.

Postcards Received
I received 4 postcards from 4 different countries and that makes me happy! I really enjoy receiving postcards from all over the world!

The postcards I send continuing to be liked and mostly by the people who I sent them to which thrills me! I really do put a lot of thought and effort into what I send someone and what I write to them. I take time to read the profiles and look at the individual's Favorites, so the fact that the actual receiver is picking up on my thoughtfulness is a joy!
I am also currently favoriting over 50% of what I am receiving and I also appreciate that fact. I hope that trend continues. I have mentioned this before, but the first time around with Postcrossing, I didn't receive many postcards of thoughtfulness at all. It was just a random postcard usually with very insincere words, but that has not been the case in 2022! I'm very happy about that!
I already believe that December was a much busier month for me in terms of Postcrossing, but we will officially see in just a few days! As always, feel free to comment your experiences in Postcrossing below and let me know your thoughts! Link to my profile is at the beginning of this post.
There were no significant facts or information to share for November.