Today I was very excited to find the Carli Bybel palette from Anastasia Beverly Hills in my mailbox! Yes, it's Sunday! It was apparently delivered yesterday evening after 4pm, which is rare! My mail is usually here by noon and normally arrives around 11am or earlier. I did check my mail yesterday around 3pm and there wasn't anything in the box, so I assumed I had no deliveries, but found it this morning! I haven't bought any new make-up in a while, so this was pretty exciting!

I did not waste any time using it! I have never used make-up from Anastasia Beverly Hills before, even though she's a very popular brand. When she first rolled out most of the products had parabens in them and I won't use anything with parabens, so that was that. Now most of her products do not have them, so I thought I would try this palette. It's a bit different than my usual. I normally like a lot of color and or dark shades, but sometimes it is good to add variety and mix it up a bit. I was quite pleased with the quality and I feel I will definitely get use out of it.
It was a cloudy day with rain in the morning. The sky did dry up, but the clouds only parted at around 6pm, giving us just an hour of light. I guess some sun is better than no sun though. The weather is suppose to keep improving and will be 75 next Sunday! I cannot wait! - Since the weather was not so great, neither was the lighting and thus my pictures didn't really come out the best. There is a shade in the palette that is a dark purple with glitter in it. It's lovely! So glittery! It's what I used to line the bottom of my lids, but it doesn't really show up in the picture.
My organization had our first online/web cam meeting since COVID-19 shut everything down. We are hoping to continue working to help the world, even though times are tough. We will be having another meeting next week to brainstorm exactly what we can do. This will keep me busy for sure! I have not heard any updates from day my job at all.
People continue to whine all over the internet about being cooped up. I find this to be false as I've seen several pictures from these same people hanging out with friends. The Stay At Home policy does not ban people from going outside either and I don't understand why people don't just go for a walk or step outside for a moment? I've made a personal decision to stop paying attention to everyone's posts and stories; if I see negativity I will just unfollow them or turn off notifications. I don't want to be weighed down by people who just want to complain, meanwhile there are people out there who really are suffering. Just because someone can't be creative and/or responsible enough to find something to do or figure out their life, doesn't mean society should have to suffer with them.
The news:
Governor Raimondo of Rhode Island has repealed the states checkpoint from New Yorkers after Governor Cuomo of New York called and threatened to sue.
Traffic was backed up for hours with people trying to get into Florida, as the state continues to add checkpoints at their borders for people coming out of state. People's information will be recorded and possibly checked-in on.
Washington state confirms cases have gone done and believe the shutdown is working. Meanwhile, Florida now has over 4,200 cases and New York has over 1,000 deaths.
The federal government estimates over 100,000 deaths to be the total in America.
Workers in the food industry tested positive for Corona in San Diego, CA today.