a personal site
My Writings
I've been writing since kindergarten in one form or another and I started having my work published in the 7th grade. I currently write and blog for the nonprofit I serve: Edfu Foundation. I also blog for my own enjoyment and connections. I seek to find like-minded individuals who share the same passions and hobbies as I do. I would prefer to read a blog than a watch vlog any day.

Latest Entries:
My blogs:
My toy and collector blog, which is also a part of my collector's community.
This blog is dedicated to my hobby of pen pals and letters, and my involvement in the Snail Mail Community. Other topics include: coffee, crafts, books, and popular fandoms within the community.
I'm the editor and a huge contributer to the EDFU Foundation blog, which is the nonprofit I work for.
This is my travel blog. I post about where I've been, including vacations; day trips; restaurants; amusement parks, and much more!
This is my blog dedicated to all things related in the "beauty industry", such as fashion, make-up, and general style. My goal is to shift the focus of mainstream fashion from material and superficial to self-care and personal preference.
Blogs to follow:
Highlighting a few cards that were written for the service people of the USA.
Curious on how to get to Plattsburgh, NY? I explain all of that!
I have combined all 3 of my collector's blogs into 1.
Pen pals wanted.
Read the best quotes of 2022 that I've collected thus far.
Learn about the importance of November 15th.
My Postcrossing stats for October 2022.
Learn about COP27, its history, and the importance for Earth.
My Postcrossing stats for the October 2022.