I started my day with a morning walk -just me and the dog. I emphasize "the", because I don't see her as my dog. I inherited this canine roommate upon moving into this house and so I help take care of her. Occasionally, we do things just the two of us; today being one of those rare times. I initially awoke with no intentions of doing a solo walk. There had been talks about walking to the park with others in the evening, but upon making my coffee and turning on Pokemon Go, I saw that there were new Pokemon afoot and they were not in my 'Dex! So, I made my coffee to-go and not wanting to be selfish, I lassoed the dog and brought her along. Just as well, because there was no evening walk tonight.
Fifi is not an easy dog to walk. She constantly pulls and loses it when other dogs appear. I believe she means well, but she's just not trained well on a leash. As for the unfamiliar dogs, her owner told me she was attacked by another dog as a puppy and just never got over it.

The park at 10:30am was nice. The streets and the park itself was quiet. There were only a few other girls there working out. It was around 11:15am that other dogs started to appear in the park and I had to yank Fifi all the way home. It felt like an obstacle course of: "Dodge the other Dogs"! 2 this time! Now 3! It was rough (no pun intended). - I'm happy to report that I did catch the new Pokemon though.
Other than that my day was relatively the same as most, lately. Just cleaned, did yoga, and worked on some snail mail. I did have to go to the post office to send off a postcard trade and return books to their rightful owner. Downtown and my city remain the same- relatively quiet, but people are still out. Mainly it's the grocery stores and pharmacies that draw the crowds. Most smaller restaurants are closed now.

Supposedly, there are a handful of people in the snail mail community that are no longer sending mail, but they will accept it (if people send them mail, they're fine with that part). I'm not sure why this is. Personally, no one has told me anything, it's just what others have been telling me. I know a lot of indie businesses won't send mail anymore. I'm not sure why that is either. USPS, FedEx, and UPS remain open and operating as normal. Oh, and by "indie business", I mean the single or duo sticker companies and planner supply makers I buy from on Instagram. Everything seems fine to me. Like anything else one does during this Corona pandemic, we must make sure we are careful and sanitize our things and ourselves, but I have had no issues. Internationally, I know some countries are not allowing packages to be sent or received, and a lot of countries are so far behind they no longer guarantee fast delivery or signature requirements.

I'll end with my new yoga set that I was given. Upon first look I wasn't thrilled with it. The quality didn't feel quite what I am use to, but when I actually used it I felt like maybe I was too quick to judge a book by its cover. The mat felt good under my feet and the strap gets the job done. Not sure if I will really use the towels for yoga, because I don't really sweat. The blocks will come in handy eventually.
President Trump signed the $2 Trillion package, making it official.
America has surpassed 1,500 deaths from Coronavirus.
Experts say we all should be wearing masks despite what the government officials say.
Ikea is closing its final 2 open stores in the USA and will no longer accept click-and-collect orders.
Europe, along with America, is in an economic recession.