Coronavirus hits you a little harder when it infects your personal life, because then it's real. You can't deny it. There's no putting rosy colored glasses on to make it look better. Today, I was informed that an acquaintance of mine lost his grandmother to the virus. Up until today, I hadn't known anyone who had been affected by it. I'm definitely not one of the people out there calling this pandemic a hoax, but I can say my days were easier than a lot of others and I wasn't feeling the impact quite as much either. Now, it feels a lot more in-my-face.

I felt rather guilty for going out today too. I'm not sure if the news of the death affected my view of being in public or not, but I am starting to think more about when I go out and why. At first I didn't get out of the car. I rode along to FedEx so my partner could drop a broken laptop off to be shipped for repairs. - FedEx was being very cautious about social distancing. There were only 2 people inside (one at the counter being helped and the other waiting in line) and they wouldn't let anyone else inside until someone came out.
We also needed to go to UPS to drop off a return package. It was a birthday gift to me that I didn't want. (I won't get into that though.) But then we drove through downtown on the way home (it is on the way!) and we couldn't see anyone inside of ShareTea and my boba craving kicked in, we bought some. I had a thought though when I came home about if this was really necessary? Yes, we were already out for a necessary errand, but was the boba-stop necessary?

ShareTea has orange markers on the floor to symbolize where people are suppose to stand for social distancing. Technically, only 3 people should be in there at a time and yet when I walked in there was already someone ahead of me and then 3 women walked in after me in a group and never un-grouped. Following that, 3 more people entered while I was waiting for my drink and while people stood at the orange markers, they were still together and ignored the fact that the markers symbolize only 3 at a time. Anyway, their dining area was also roped off and there were signs up everywhere for social distancing. I was wondering if these measures were taken the other day when I tried to go in, but just not enforcing it. They weren't enforcing it today from what I could see. Everyone working in there seemed to be teens-young 20's. Maybe they felt a bit more like I did before I heard the news today. Young people are not invisible to COVID-19; no one is. But for a lot of us if feels like a game of tag and we're already in the safety zone; it can't touch us here........but then it touches someone out there on the playground that you know and then you feel like I do today.
I did my make-up today. It actually turned out way better than I thought it was going to. I was trying to get my make-up to match the colors of my shirt and it turned out quite well. I was proud of myself.

Today was a lot of laundry and tomorrow will be the same. The day ended with a good glute workout and yoga. I also had a pretty good meal! I ate a salad with mushrooms, tomatoes, and chicken.
Here we are though, at over 1,000 deaths in America now. I am feeling like we are not doing enough to halt this virus and I suppose that also plays into my guilt of going out and partaking in public services. On the one hand, the media and people on social media keep touting that if one has the money they should be out spending it on local businesses to keep the economy going, but on the other hand health experts are saying we need to stay inside and cease all contact as much as possible to prevent this virus from spreading even more.
Today's News:
4 Republican senators halted the $2 trillion stimulus package, because it could give incentive to those laid off not to find work with the $600 in guarantees to those who have lost their job.
America now has over 1,000 deaths from COVID-19, surpassing China's totals.
Rumors swirl that Ikea will open to feed employees who need meals and possibly certain locations for click-and-collect services.
Governor Newsom has banned evictions through May, as long as people provide proof of loss of job or a sick family member.
Coronavirus has not yet been found in drinking water.