Today, I saw a woman I know post on her Instagram Story: "Quarantine Diary Day 1". The Shelter-In-Place went into effect yesterday here in the Bay Area, so technically this is Day 2 for us, and yes, the woman mentioned lives in the Bay Area (I personally know her). I just want to point out before I go any further that Shelter-In-Place IS NOT A LOCKDOWN and technically not a forced quarantine. A lot of places do not have this yet and while some states and cities are talking about enacting it, there are plenty not even talking about it.
Quick FYI: Shelter-In-Place basically states that only the "essentials" should take place. So, any business that provides food, household necessities, and/or services such as healthcare should remain open. Everyone should remain inside unless to receive the essentials. Gatherings of 10 or more people are forbidden. It is stated that going out to walk pets and for exercise is fine as long as people maintain good distance from others. It was asked that anyone 65 years of age or older quarantine themselves inside so that they do not get COVID-19 virus and anyone who has any type of illness should also quarantine themselves inside their homes. We are not confined to the Bay Area or even the state of California; we can drive out of the borders if we so choose to, but the government is asking that people stay in as much as possible to prevent the spreading.
Okay, now that that's out of the way! And, yes, I did think it was important to state that, because I keep hearing people say we're in a "lockdown" and we're not. If you want to see a lockdown watch footage from Italy; that's a real lockdown! And we're also not in a quarantine unless you fall under the categories I previously mentioned. No one is being forced to stay inside by any sort of police/military force.
Eh, this is turning into a rant. Maybe that's what I needed? Just to air all my frustrations! -All of this Corona-induced-panic is annoying me. It bothers me that people just now care to turn to the news and not for the right reasons (like, to actually be informed of current issues), but rather to feed on the fear-mongering and spread it; they're almost as bad as the virus itself, really. Yes, we should keep up-to-date with what is going on, but we should do that all the time! In order to be a good citizen of both your country and the world, you have to be an informed one! -I could go on with this rant, but I won't. I think anyone who reads this will get the point.
Okay! What I really came on here to say, was that I saw someone post the beginning of a log for this 3-week-journey in the Bay Area. Shelter-In-Place ends April-7, 2020 unless they decide to extend it. During these 3 weeks, I will not be working, as my job does not provide anything essential to living. I didn't think about this yesterday when it started. I just thought: Hm, I can take more time to write! But where to start?!
My Goals:
To Write More both personally and with blogs & snail mail.
To get organized.
Formulate future plans for humanitarian work.
Get back on track with yoga & exercise.
I guess if it takes a forced stay-at-home approach to get me back into writing and in a more consistent way, then so be it! In this case: don't hate the game, but be generally agitated at the player.
Yesterday, which was actually Day 1, was a day of low-energy. I found it hard to get up out of bed and I took a long nap, followed by an early bed. I can say, I woke up today feeling much better, but not 100%. I did just return from a week vacation on Saturday (March-14), so I suppose the traveling, changing of time zones AND springing forward in time, caught up to me. Also, the partying and late nights, I'm sure. I did manage to do yoga yesterday.
Today, started out rough. Had to pay bills. I should state that my job is still paying me for my scheduled hours during this forced-time-off; let's be real, it feels more like that then a quarantine. (It's definitely not a lockdown!) I have done laundry every day since I came home from my trip and I'm almost caught up, but one can never be 100% free of laundry in a house with multiple people; something is always getting dirty. I also made sure to finally pack-up and process my returns from Nasty Gal that didn't fit me, because $50 is $50. I also took time to finish preparing some pen pal letters I've had ready; all they needed were envelopes!
Later, I went for a walk today. I just felt like I needed to be out. I was surprised at how many people were out and when I arrived at the park it soon filled with multiple groups of people. It kind of made me feel guilty for even going out. - What happened to keeping distance and not having large gatherings? - Sigh, we all have to do our part if we want to stop the spread of Corona. I did also do yoga and it felt great! Let's see if I workout before the night is over!

It may be worth noting that they have discovered that the virus can last on cardboard up to 24 hours; up 9 days in low temperatures; copper seems to kill it within 4 hours; and it seems to be lasting on plastic, metal, and glass for up to 3 days. All this is said, without proper sanitation. Sanitizing still seems to kill it within minutes.