Today was a day about Me. Not to sound selfish or stuck-up, but since coming back from New York and immediately entering a stay-at-home lifestyle due to a pandemic, I have been focused very much on staying busy and making sure my home and family are taken care of. I've also been a bit relaxed when it comes to me, meaning- I haven't really cared much about the little things I enjoyed before COVID-19 changed everything.
I did my make-up today. The first time since being back from New York. I use to do full-face make-up everyday, but then I stopped when I realized I was just putting it on for strangers, basically, and people at work who really didn't care. It was a lot of time, effort, and products wasted. So, I saved my make-up days for when I was going out, doing something special, or my days off when my loved ones and I could enjoy it and appreciate it. So, now that I am home every day, surrounded by my family, I can wear it and know it's for personal enjoyment.

Besides doing the normal laundry and dishes that I've been doing daily, I went for another walk. Children in the neighborhood have come back out to play. The streets are starting to get filled again and it's honestly never been safer considering there is far less traffic than there was before. On my way to the park I passed 2 girls (I assume were sisters) decorating their driveway in chalk and when I came back they had finished their masterpiece. It is nice to see children playing outside again, but I do still have concern about the virus spreading if people are not too careful. The family that lives next door happened to be making burgers when I went out and they were offering them to the neighborhood, but it just seems like that goes against the large social gathering rules.........

The roads seemed quite empty when I was walking to and from the park. Society is quiet around my city. The park had far less people in it today than a few days ago, and those who were there were solo or with a pet only. I saw people riding bikes together, but spaced out. People are starting to take social distancing more seriously it seems, and maybe the rumors about people being fined are true. - My walk to the park was a quick one. I literally walked there, around the park, and looped back home. No lingering for me.
This evening I went back to doing workouts and it was all about the glutes and booty. Very painful! I was tired at the end. I also did yoga.
Finland had their first death from COVID-19.
Germany is the third most effected country in Europe.
It's reported that the National Guard is active in several states now to help insure public safety.
California reports they want to turn college campuses into quarantine centers, since they are now vacant.
Pictures show that Trump crossed out Corona and wrote "China" in his speech about COVID-19.