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Stay At Home | Day 4

Writer's picture: KaitieKaitie

It should be noted that the title of my series has been changed from "Shelter-In-Place" to "Stay At Home". The governor of California (Gavin Newsom) issued a statewide "Stay At Home" policy, which was very similar to the Bay Area's Shelter-In-Place. It just means that the state itself is now under the same limited "essentials-only" lifestyle. Governor Newsom also stated people who were not obeying the new regulations (i.e. gathering in large groups or out in public for no reason) could be fined up to $1,000 and spend up to 6 months in jail. - To me, it doesn't matter what the policy is called, society has changed as anyone alive has known it and people will be indoors for a while.

Toll to San Francisco around 4:30am on March-21, 2020
Toll to San Francisco around 4:30am on March-21, 2020

My day started very early. I had to get up at 3:30am to leave by 4:00am and take someone to SFO (San Francisco airport). The roads were dead. We zoomed through the toll. I know that there is not much traffic at 4:00am, but by 4:30am to the city there would have been way more cars on the road than in that picture. To give a good idea of what I'm trying to relay: If I'm not on the highway by 5:00am I risk being late to my job in Oakland, which is not nearly as congested as The City.

This little venture to the city would be my first time back since I landed almost a week ago from my New York trip and will probably be my last for a while. It was definitely not ideal. I like to venture into the city for fun.

SFO departures around 5am at 5:00am on March-20, 2020
SFO departures around 5:00am on March-20, 2020

SFO was an echo of the city - quiet and little activity. There was about 5 other cars there besides mine while I was parked. I was actually surprised at that number, as flights are being cancelled often and restricted.

My actual day was simple. I worked a lot on my home, taking the time to start picking up clutter and mess that have been lying around for a week or longer. I now have the time. It has also really been a day of reflection for me and mindfulness. The consistent yoga I've been doing is definitely helping in that aspect, but the current state of the COVID-19 and it's effects are really starting to sink in. It's not going away; in most states it is only getting worse. Some states are going into a real lockdown and I am now realizing that my personal situation is in much better shape than a lot of others out there. There are foreigners stuck here; there are US citizens stuck aboard or in quarantine; there are people losing jobs; and families are losing members. I have yet to know anyone who has been affected by the virus and I hope it stays that way.

As I went through my day, I had to remind myself nothing is so important to stress or worry over if it's not getting done. Before the forced stay-at-home policy, I always felt like I never had enough time to accomplish everything at home and then for personal enjoyment, when I also had to go to work. Now I don't have that work aspect and since all of us are at home all day, there's not as much to take care of. I mentioned before, about being mindful as well, and as I did each task today I thought about how that really helps me and/or my home and took time to really get into the thought process while I work through each task. My body is still a bit sore from the consistent working out and I'm a bit fatigued from my early outing, so I skipped working out, but did do a rather in-depth yoga session.

My job actually called me, or I should say- my manager called me. As business-like as she always is, she also has a big heart and it somehow shines through. Our leaders will now call us 1-2x's a week and we can call them Monday-Friday from 8:00am-4:30pm.

I can't help thinking what America will be like and what my daily life will be like once we adjust to all of this, both individually and as a society.

Today's Notes:

  • It is reported that China has contained the virus due to forced measures of their lockdown.

  • Dolphins have returned to Italy as the lockdown has brought human activity down.

  • It is reported that China's pollution has also gone down significantly from closing so many factories from their lockdown.

  • More homeless have been housed than ever due to laws put in place in many countries to get people off the streets and freezing rent.

  • Many cities are lobbying and pushing for rent and mortgage freeze in America.

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