It should be noted that the title of my series has been changed from "Shelter-In-Place" to "Stay At Home". The governor of California (Gavin Newsom) issued a statewide "Stay At Home" policy, which was very similar to the Bay Area's Shelter-In-Place. It just means that the state itself is now under the same limited "essentials-only" lifestyle. Governor Newsom also stated people who were not obeying the new regulations (i.e. gathering in large groups or out in public for no reason) could be fined up to $1,000 and spend up to 6 months in jail. - To me, it doesn't matter what the policy is called, society has changed as anyone alive has known it and people will be indoors for a while.
My day started very early. I had to get up at 3:30am to leave by 4:00am and take someone to SFO (San Francisco airport). The roads were dead. We zoomed through the toll. I know that there is not much traffic at 4:00am, but by 4:30am to the city there would have been way more cars on the road than in that picture. To give a good idea of what I'm trying to relay: If I'm not on the highway by 5:00am I risk being late to my job in Oakland, which is not nearly as congested as The City.
This little venture to the city would be my first time back since I landed almost a week ago from my New York trip and will probably be my last for a while. It was definitely not ideal. I like to venture into the city for fun.
SFO was an echo of the city - quiet and little activity. There was about 5 other cars there besides mine while I was parked. I was actually surprised at that number, as flights are being cancelled often and restricted.
My actual day was simple. I worked a lot on my home, taking the time to start picking up clutter and mess that have been lying around for a week or longer. I now have the time. It has also really been a day of reflection for me and mindfulness. The consistent yoga I've been doing is definitely helping in that aspect, but the current state of the COVID-19 and it's effects are really starting to sink in. It's not going away; in most states it is only getting worse. Some states are going into a real lockdown and I am now realizing that my personal situation is in much better shape than a lot of others out there. There are foreigners stuck here; there are US citizens stuck aboard or in quarantine; there are people losing jobs; and families are losing members. I have yet to know anyone who has been affected by the virus and I hope it stays that way.
As I went through my day, I had to remind myself nothing is so important to stress or worry over if it's not getting done. Before the forced stay-at-home policy, I always felt like I never had enough time to accomplish everything at home and then for personal enjoyment, when I also had to go to work. Now I don't have that work aspect and since all of us are at home all day, there's not as much to take care of. I mentioned before, about being mindful as well, and as I did each task today I thought about how that really helps me and/or my home and took time to really get into the thought process while I work through each task. My body is still a bit sore from the consistent working out and I'm a bit fatigued from my early outing, so I skipped working out, but did do a rather in-depth yoga session.
My job actually called me, or I should say- my manager called me. As business-like as she always is, she also has a big heart and it somehow shines through. Our leaders will now call us 1-2x's a week and we can call them Monday-Friday from 8:00am-4:30pm.
I can't help thinking what America will be like and what my daily life will be like once we adjust to all of this, both individually and as a society.
Today's Notes:
It is reported that China has contained the virus due to forced measures of their lockdown.
Dolphins have returned to Italy as the lockdown has brought human activity down.
It is reported that China's pollution has also gone down significantly from closing so many factories from their lockdown.
More homeless have been housed than ever due to laws put in place in many countries to get people off the streets and freezing rent.
Many cities are lobbying and pushing for rent and mortgage freeze in America.