My mood, my day, my actions were a mirror of the whether that rolled in today. While it seemed like our days were getting warmer and Spring was allowing Summer to step through, the temperature took a huge dive today. Originally forecast'd to be 64°, it was a high of 57° with a lot of wind and very cloudy except for maybe 3 minutes when the sun was able to peak through. I have heard that in other countries such as Italy and China where they really enforced and mandated lockdowns, the temperature dropped significantly. Less pollution = less global warming. I am interested to see what the condition of the world will be once this is all over with in terms of the environment and ecology.
I definitely didn't accomplish as much as I wanted to today. I just didn't have it in me. -That's life though. Sometimes there are good days and sometimes there are bad days, and a Stay At Home policy doesn't necessarily effect that.

There was a slow start to my day. I felt lethargic pretty much all day. I did do my make-up, just because I wanted to feel like I did something for me today. Having done my make-up regularly now for about a week and every day in NY, I am becoming reacquainted with a lot of products I haven't used in a long time -which is good and bad. Like, I had forgotten how patchy and difficult this lipstick is. I kept it, because at the time I didn't have anything else similar, but I really should just look for a replacement.
But even my hair wasn't having it today. I woke up with bad hair and finally got sick of it and threw it up on top of my head. 1 year and 1 month ago, I cut my hair so short that I couldn't put it in a ponytail at all and now it's on its way to being long again. It's amazing how much something can change in a year.

There is a part of my hair that is much shorter than the rest, because I asked for a hair cut that slanted in the front and was shorter than the back. Upon looking at my "messy updo", I felt like Poppy from the movie "Trolls". Or really any Troll.
However, my whole day wasn't bad. I had a long video call with one of my best friends: MoMo. I do miss seeing her and others that brightened up my day on a regular basis. I have moved so much in my life that I am use to people coming and going (or in some cases, it is me who is going), and realizing that very few will take the effort to keep-up when you're both apart. The thing is, I can't even really go out and see those ones, much less make new friends right now. No one moved, we just are stuck in place like collectible figures in a dollhouse you can't play with.
Tomorrow is another day full of opportunity and chances! I missed a call from my leader at work and I'm not sure what that means and if I'm suppose to call him back? I did a nice, deep stretch for my legs today and I will end this night watching the latest "Bob's Burgers". Today was just a day. It didn't seem like a day effected by the government telling me to stay at home. Is it "scary" - is that the right word? - to think that I am becoming very much use to this lifestyle..............?
The headlines actually seemed quiet today, but:
Texas has banned abortions, citing that they are dangerous during the Coronavirus pandemic.
Alaska is forcing anyone who comes to the state to self-quarantine.
India is now under lockdown.
Third party sellers are gouging prices on Amazon, but Amazon is quick to punish them.
The stock market took another huge plunge today.